JJ's Hemp Dispensary


CBD+THC Ultra Relief Gel with Menthol 4oz


Availability: 9 in stock

SKU: 10823 Categories: ,

1000mg CBD / 100mg THC

JUSTCBD TM Full Spectrum (CBD & THC) Ultra Relief Gel is infused with USA grown Hemp derived CBD. It helps ease areas of discomfort that need it most.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Menthol, 5% Topical Analgesic Camphor, 2% Relieving CBD, 0.9% Delta 8-THC, 0.1% USES: Aid for temporary local relief in muscles or joints.

5000mg CBD / 100mg THC

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Menthol 6% Topical Analgesic Camphor 2% Relieving CBD USES: Aid for temporary local relief in muscles or joints.


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